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Rockefeller family photograph album, including prints of Mount Hope farm

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2022-150

Content Description

Approximately 300 images that most likely belonged to Alta Rockefeller Prentice and family. Includes shots of farming at Mount Hope, WWI soldiers in uniform, Atlantic City, Savin Rock Amusement part, family and friends at the beach, portraits, etc.

Acquisition Type


Restrictions Apply


Access Restrictions

The album is open for research. Researchers are encouraged to contact Special Collections staff prior to a visit.

Use Restrictions

In consultation with Special Collections staff, reproductions may be made upon request. Please consult with staff regarding questions about publishing materials from Williams Special Collections. Researchers are responsible for handling any copyright issues that may be associated with collections and materials.


  • Creation: 1917 - 1924



1 Linear Feet : 1 album, with loose photographs